Inverting the day and month when writing dates continues to require effort. I'm just too damn American.
I've been settling into my new apartment for the last couple days. The Italians haven't moved in yet, so I'm currently sharing with an Irish couple who are moving out tomorrow. The churn of the foreigners coming through Sydney is pretty impressive. Must get exhausting for the locals.
Last night, Casey, Liam (an exchange student from SoCal, who did his MBA at HEC in France), and I met Kacy in Bondi, at the
Flying Squirrel Tapas Parlour.

The atmosphere was cool, but it was actually pretty tiny, and I was disappointed by the lack of flying squirrels! After one round of tapas though, we all decided there was no way we could get full at that place, so we all headed down to Bondi Beach to find something that could satisfy our overgrown American apetites. Unfortunately for our purposes, it's still sort of low season here, so everything had closed. But we finally found a place, and I had (you guessed it) some potato wedges!

I thought I'd also include a photo of the sign near my house. It turns out I live near an alien baby crossing. Good to know. I don't really have a whole lot else to report. Tomorrow a bunch of us are going to the opening day of the season at the Randwick Racecourse. Apparently they get pretty dressed up, and the women wear funny hats. Stay tuned...
1 comment:
hi celia! I love reading about your adventures- from the stress of traveling alone to the lunacy of navigating the apartment hunt in an overpriced city- reminds me of studying abroad in Dublin
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