Last time I posted, I said I'd be writing regularly. But that was over a month ago. Oops. In the meantime, here's what I've been up to:
2) Skiing. I had a weekend with friends up at Mammoth, which was awesome. Snow was pouring out of the sky, which made it hard to see, but much fun to ski. Or in my case, snowboard a few turns, fall, get stuck, dig the end of my board out of the massive drift I had impaled myself on, get up, brush myself off, snowboard a few turns, fall...
3) Family. I went to visit my sister and her family in NYC. I was really there to recruit, but I didn't manage to make any of the meetings I'd set up stick, so instead I hung out with the Adelson-Bhallas,
4) More school. In which we dress up and act like fools, much of the time.
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